John Kimmey passed away on Easter Sunday, April 24, 2011, at 11:11 pm. He was my dearest friend. On the day I learned of his death, I passed hours crying unconsolably, and throughout these tears he dictated his ‘Sutra’.
For forty days I received daily messages from John. I have never channeled written messages before. John was fastidious in his dictation and rewrote many lines until they sounded perfect. It is poetry and it is something else.
Some of these messages are directed to family and friends, but as they unfolded I understood them to be universal messages for all folks. John wants these words shared.
In December 2010 I visited John. I had not seen him in 10 years. He was not in good health and asked me to do some spiritual healing work for him. He had cancer, again. I saw that John couldn’t be cured, and that he would die very soon. I didn’t tell John this, but I think he knew. It took all I had not to reveal my feelings at the time. I am haunted by those beautiful last days with John.
One thing we did talk about was death, and John promised to visit with me after he passed away. I asked him, if it was allowed, to tell me what it’s like after you die.
I had forgotten about his promise, but later it all came back at me like a tsunami. When you commune with the deceased, the language is spoken in tears. Tears of joy and tears of sobering reality.
The day before John passed away he sent me an e-mail telling me his time had come and to please call him.
I got the e-mail two days after he was gone, but the call went through anyway--on a higher level. These channeled messages answer my question,“What is it like after you die?”
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